View of upcoming Balance changes for patch 14.16 in League of Legends is here!Full list can be found below, the original list was posted by rioters These Changes are tentative and may be changed/removed before released! Champions BUFFS NERFS Azir Health Regen: 3.5→ 5 Armor: 22 → 25 Corki Q Cooldown: 8-6→ 9-7 Mana…
Anima Squad pt.2 Skins now available!
New content has been released in League of Legends store! Anima Squad skins part 2! View them below! Champion Skins Primordian Aatrox 1820RP When the Primordians first attacked, humanity was unprepared-until Anima Squad formed to become its last defense. But they are safe no longer, for the Primordians evolved in turn. Their apex being is…
14.16 PBE Patch 30/07/2024
PBE has been updated! This post will contain all new assets added in patch 14.16. As a reminder everything here comes from the PBE (Public Beta Environment) server update and may be changed before the final release in the main client. Patches usually last 2 weeks (Patch release schedule can be found here). Below is…
T1’s Worlds 2023 skins reveal
New skins have been revealed on League of Legends social media! T1 world winner skins featuring Jinx, Bard, Orianna, Pee sin, Jayce + Prestige Jayce! View them below! Champion Skins Time to play god with T1's Worlds Winner skins👑JinxJayceOriannaBardLee Sin — League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) July 30, 2024 Bard Jinx Orianna…
14.15 PBE Bugs & Feedback Threads update
The PBE Bugs & Feedback threads have been updated! The posts are created to gather feedback for skins releasing in each patch! Here you can view the updates for each skin gathered together! This patch features Anima Squad skins & New champion Aurora! See the updates below! Champion Skins PBE Bug & Feedback Thread…
14.15 Balance Changes Preview
View of upcoming Balance changes for patch 14.15 in League of Legends is here!Full list can be found below, the original list was posted by @RiotPhroxzon These Changes are tentative and may be changed/removed before released! Champions BUFFS NERFS Varus Base AD: 57 → 59 W On-Hit Damage: 7-355-25 Minion Passive: 10% AS →…
Anima Squad event now available!
New content has been released in League of Legends store! Anima Aquad summer event Featuring anima squad skins, New champion “Aurora” and new PvE gamemode “Swarm”! New Champion: Aurora Aurora The Witch Between Worlds Aurora Bio Aurora Abilities Rundown Aurora Champion Insights Champion Skins Battle Dove Seraphine 1820RP Seraphine was…
14.15 PBE Patch 16/07/2024
PBE has been updated! This post will contain all new assets added in patch 14.15. As a reminder everything here comes from the PBE (Public Beta Environment) server update and may be changed before the final release in the main client. Patches usually last 2 weeks (Patch release schedule can be found here). Below is…
Anima Squad pt.2 skins preview
New skins have been shown on riot social media! Anima Squad skins part 2! This set will Feature Legendary Aatrox, Prestige Leona & Briar, Yasuo, Illaoi and Leona epic skins! View them below! Skins Preview The squad's all here🫡 Anyone up for a boss fight? — League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) July 16, 2024…
14.14 PBE Bugs & Feedback Threads update
The PBE Bugs & Feedback threads have been updated! The posts are created to gather feedback for skins releasing in each patch! Here you can view the updates for each skin gathered together! This patch features Anima Squad skins & New champion Aurora! See the updates below! PBE Bug & Feedback Thread: Aurora…