Preview of the ARAM balance changes for patch 13.1 Riot Maxw3ll has posted a list of balance changes that will be applies on patch 13.1 on twitter. You can view the full tweet here. Note that these changes might still be updated or discarded before being officially released. Make sure to check the patch notes…
13.1 PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread updates
The PBE Bugs & Feedback Threads for skins being released in patch 13.1 have been updated! Heres the list of all changes for each skin. You can refer to the links to view the thread. Here is the link to the blog post containing all the skins for this patch Lunar Empress Ashe PBE Bugs…
07/12/2022 PBE PATCH 13.1
PBE has been updated! This post will contain all new assets added for patch 13.1. As a reminder, everything here comes from the PBE and may be changed before the final release in the main client. PATCH 13.1 Champion Skins Lunar Empress Ashe 1350 RP PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Lunar Empress AsheLunar Empress Ashe…