Table of Contents
The PBE Bugs & Feedback threads have been updated! The posts are created to gather feedback for skins releasing in each patch! Here you can view the updates for each skin gathered together! This patch features Primal ambush & Heavenscale skins! See the updates below!
PBE Bug & Feedback Thread: Smolder (Base & Heavenscale) 
Update 1/12/24:
Some updates to Smolder which should have hit PBE today or will on Tuesday:
Various bug fixing
New VFX material on the wings for Heavenscale Smolder
Pinging R shows enemies in range (like Lux Rand Pantheon R)
Primal Ambush Skins
PBE Bug Thread – Primal Ambush Sivir
-no update-
PBE Bug Thread – Primal Ambush Vi
-no update-
PBE Bug Thread – Primal Ambush Talon
We’ve made the following updates to Primal Ambush Talon:
Tweaked VFX timing of auto attack
Added more impact to R
Extended Talon’s blade for better auto attack gameplay read
We have received a lot of great feedback and appreciate your trying to write feedback in a way that’s most helpful for us. Some suggestions either conflicted with other player feedback or with internal craft expertise, others (additional changes to his model, etc.) are out of scope for a PBE change.
PBE Bug Thread – Primal Ambush Riven
-no update-
Heavenscale Skins
PBE Bug & Feedback Thread – Heavenscale Lee Sin
-no update-
PBE Bug & Feedback Thread – Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin
-no update-
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Heavenscale Kai’Sa
Post-PBE Updates:
– No changes made.
Thank you and see you again in the next thread!
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Heavenscale Janna
Post-PBE Updates:
– Adjusted tattoo brightness to make it more obvious
– Made adjustments to hair and ribbons to make movements look more fluid
Thank you and see you in the next thread!
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Heavenscale Diana
Post-PBE Updates:
– No changes made.
Thank you and see you again in the next thread!
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Heavenscale Master Yi
Post-PBE Updates:
– No changes made.
Thank you and see you again in the next thread!
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Heavenscale Ezreal
Post-PBE Updates:
– No changes made.
Thank you and see you again in the next thread!
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal
Post-PBE Updates:
– Adjusted pants color to make stand out less
Thank you and see you again in the next thread!
Other Skins
PBE Bug Thread – Three Honors Akshan
-no update-
PBE Bug Thread – Foreseen Yasuo
– no update –
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: 14.2 Chromas
Post-PBE Updates:
– No changes made.
Thank you and see you again in the next thread!
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: 14.3 Chromas
Post-PBE Updates:
– No changes made.
Thank you and see you again in the next thread!
Comment Section